FF VII Victory Fanfare Sound Effect & Ringtone

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This is the ringtone sound effect that you can heard in the video game final fantasy VII after winning a fight against monsters and your characters gains XP to level up. Final fantasy 7 victory fanfare theme / song / sound effect. This is the famous FF VII ファイナルファンタジーVII (Fainaru Fantajī Sebun?) theme and the fanfare when you win a battle against an opponent or a monster in the video game Final Fantasy 7 released in January 1997 for the PlayStation. After beating an enemy your team gain XPs to level up and learn new abilities. The main character Cloud Strife fight the mega-corporation Shinra Electric Power Company.
Discover our extensive catalog of Final Fantasy and FF VII royalty-free sound effects. Download over 500 FREE sound effects, and use them in any commercial or personal project (video editing, audio projects or iphone and samsung ringtone). As an audio library all of our audio and sfx are royalty free sound effects and no copyright sounds. Download your favorite SFX, Music sound and ringtone in many formats: : 320 Kbps mp3, wav high quality audio and m4r. Enjoy Download your favorite SFX, Music sound and ringtone in many formats: : 320 Kbps mp3, wav high quality audio and m4r. Enjoy 😃